I'm aggressive and intolerant. It's official. A survey of dog types
says so. Should have got a spaniel. Then everyone would like me because I
would be kind and loving. Great, now I know.
This survey wasn't
out when I went to the Blue Cross rescue centre. I just asked for a dog
with a great temperament. Wasn't bothered about the breed, though I
wanted something a bit younger than our last one, a German Shepherd. He
was perfect, but nearly nine when we got him.
So now we have the
Staffie. Fat, grunty, snoring Staffie. We call him piglet and Dumper
truck. Shovel head and Tonka toy. He takes it in good part. Like he does
everything else. He ignores other dogs, runs away from trouble and
adores kids. He stays off the sofa and prefers to poo in the woods. The
perfect dog.
Most people adore him. Some cross the road. Oddly,
they are usually Spaniel owners. The ones who don't go in for rescue
dogs. Kind-hearted to a fault.