ComicCon is huge - and totally weird! Tried it this weekend at Excel in London. Couple of impressions: what's with the free hugs guys? Why are so many needy types wandering around with scrappy carboard messages saying: "Free hugs."
Let's be honest here - most of them are not that attractive. They seem, well, needy. The hugs are for them, rather than by them. So wanting those hugs and, from what I saw, not getting them.
Save your pride people and don't bother next time! Other than that, the costumes were incredible! So much work went into them, so many people managed to surprise and amaze by what they could pull together in a witty way. Loved all the Assassins, Dr Octopus, Pyramid Head and Master Chief with a chef's hat. Master stroke! Not forgetting our own Rorschach, the tall one, in the long coat. Good look.
It was fun even if it was a fabulous exercise in making thousands of people part with their money.That being the whole point.