Friday, 27 June 2014

Lone Wolf Cameron Takes Them On

Go David Cameron! Out on his own he's a Billy No Mates in Brussels but should he care - no way! He's sticking to his guns about Jean-Claude Juncker being the wrong man for the top job. 
He may be wrong, but he is prepared to be a lone wolf and that counts for something with the rest of us. On balance I think he might be right. We are not alone in thinking Europe may have too much power over our lives already.
We saw the crowds out on the streets to say so - though there were also plenty who thought differently. With UKIP on the rise and Brussels legislation surging relentlessly onwards, we Brits want to take a step back and look at our options.
We want some changes - other countries have said they do too but where are they when it comes to backing the man seeking them? So for what it's worth I'm with you David - and I can bet I'm not alone either.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Fine Parents For Not Caring

The schools chief wants to fine bad parents who don't turn up at parents' evening, supervise homework or read to their children. Plenty don't, including my sister who, as a busy nurse, left that side of thing to the kids. Hers turned out alright.
There are some very crappy parents about. Dentists in Manchester were filmed taking out the teeth of toddlers because : "You can't stop kids eating toffees - he'd wreck the house," said one fat, toothless mum of her lively four-year-old.
Four! He hasn't had teeth long enough for them to go bad and rot in his head has he? Seems so. "They'll put a needle in and put you to sleep and the pain will stop" she added. Thanks mum.
 Do these parents care at all? My sister did, she banned sweets before her two went to school. Result - perfect teeth. They read pretty well too.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Don't Bank On Barclays

No cash but counting my blessings - and so glad I don't bank at Barclays. My poor old mum-in-law does. She's got a pot of money in there but they don't give a rat's bum about her.
 I had to drag her into the local branch in a wheelchair because they hadn't paid her care home fees, despite getting the signed direct debit in plenty of time. She must be here in person, they said, and got cross when told she had been bedridden for weeks - what then?.
Then they said all the signed letters I had given them to try to help with her affairs were useless. They took them with a smile anyway.
But when a tired, hot, patient old lady in pain asked after a while if she could use a toilet they said no. Only staff.
So I am so glad I don't bank with Barclays. One of my better decisions.