Friday, 5 September 2014

It Might Cure Cancer But ...

God knows I'm up for a cure for cancer - but maybe not at any price. There's this rat you see that doesn't get cancer. It lives for ever too, well thirty years or so, which is an eternity for something four inches long.
 It can wiggle its teeth independently and run backwards really, really quickly. It also produces masses of jelly-like hyaluronan, which we have too, but not in such huge quantities. So this rat is a born survivor which may hold the answer to cancer.
It is also ugly. And hairless. The other animal that has loads of hyaluronan is the shar pei dog Yes, that's the one, that has a face like a ploughed field. Not just wrinkles, more crevasses. Oh dear.
It's going to be a hard sell, isn't it?