Utterly repellent! The Church should be deeply ashamed and disgusted with itself! Why? Because they still see women as "tainted." Unbelievable!
It comes as Archbishop Sentamu prepares to appoint the first woman bishop next week. so far, so good, if so very, very late. But then, the week after, he will not "lay hands" on another bishop, the Rev Philip North, because somehow his hands would still carry a stain and traditionalists would not accept him.
How appalling is that! It is jaw-dropping in its utter contempt for the right of the Rev Libby Lane to become the first woman bishop. A reminder - this has been voted for and finally agreed. The Church said yes.
To still see women as somehow unclean and in their words, " tainted," harks back to the middle ages and reflects the skewed thinking of much of the Arab world today. It's an outrage.