Thursday, 22 January 2015

Tainted Bishop

Utterly repellent! The Church should be deeply ashamed and disgusted with itself! Why? Because they still see women as "tainted." Unbelievable!
It comes as  Archbishop Sentamu prepares to appoint the first woman bishop next week. so far, so good, if so very, very late. But then, the week after, he will not "lay hands" on  another bishop, the Rev Philip North, because somehow his hands would still carry a stain and traditionalists would not accept him.
How appalling is that! It is jaw-dropping in its utter contempt for the right of the Rev Libby Lane to become the first woman bishop. A reminder - this has been voted for and finally agreed. The Church said yes.
To still see women as somehow unclean and in their words, " tainted," harks back to the middle ages and reflects the skewed thinking of much of the Arab world today. It's an outrage.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Party Prats

A kid fails to show at his friend's party - and gets an invoice for non-attendance! How much is Julie Lawrence regretting that now? Miffed that her five-year-old was slighted, she goes well overboard and wants her money back.
Every playground is a pratfall waiting to happen. So easy to get it wrong and have the whole shebang blow up in your face. Best advice I ever got was: "You'll have more rows over your kids than anything else. Leave well alone!"
Did I listen? Of course not. Waded in more than once. The kids made up instantly, but the mums? Well that took longer.
So Alex didn't fancy the Ski Slope, wanted to go to his gran's instead. Lots of lads of his age would. Save that exciting stuff for the eight-year-olds, I'd say and keep your cash, because the parties only get more expensive. Julie could've done with that advice, but would she have listened? No way.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Suffer the Children for Islam

It's jail for the young lad, "in contempt of Islam." Three years banged up in Egypt. Hell's bells their cells must be bursting at the seams! Is there room for one more?
Plenty of contempt for Islam about right now and we all know why. They are sending ten-year-old girls off to be suicide bombers. Not enough devout young men then? All those celestial virgins no longer the catch they once seemed?
What do little girls get - a chance to swing upon a shiney star? Just suppose all religion is a lie, as I believe it to be. What have these morons got left in their lives?
No one has any proof of an after-life, but brain-dead fundamentalists are all too willing to cut short this one, using terrified little girls. Jesus would have wept.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Whose God Demands This ?

So sad for the journalists mown down by madmen in Paris. These are my people, I've worked with many like them and trust me, they are the most generous, kind and, even more than anything, fun folk that you could wish to meet.
They were courageous too. Police stood outside to protect them and were murdered for their pains. These were workers who turned up at the office every day knowing it could well be their last.
Their last moments were horrific. They paid in blood for so-called insults. What God demands that? It took a while to shoot 12 people in cold blood. More may well die of their injuries.
God knows what is the answer to this carnage and he's not saying, but then, he never does, does he?

Prince, a Paedo and a Pup

Randy Andy - did he do it? I think so, yes. The toe sucking is a dead give-away. Fergie was well into it and what suited the wife...
Bumptious, braying Andrew is a total fool. Not "the best man in the world" as she claims. That good eh? Why leave him?   Fact is, he knows no better. He would think 17 is fine for sex. It is here. He sticks like shit on a shoe to a known paedophile because that pile of crap is rich. Of course he would. 
Money is what this is all about. Fergie took a present of £15,000 from the jailbird. Who gives their mates £15,000 and expects nothing back? Will he get away with it? Yes again.
And talking of animals a woman ringing for an ambulance was asked if she had a dog. Furious, she put the phone down. Standard question. No paramedic wants to barge into a house and face an angry, defensive dog. They tell you put it behind doors. Only sensible after all.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Axe? Pass the Bolly.

How to spoil the party. Get this: " New Year's Eve celebrations in a quiet Devon village were ruined after a 27-year-old local man was killed and two others injured in a knife and axe attack." Well that would do it. No coming back from that is there, with blood and bits all over the place.
Might as well go home and try again another night.
Such a party pooper! The front page of The Times really seems to feel the pain of the folk who got all dressed up only to have a mad axe man in their midst. Who invited him?
Never mind the carnage, it's all about the ruined celebrations. Has the paper gone mad? This is on the front page. It tells the full story on page 8, but really, is this the right tone ? Call me old fashioned but I think not Mr Editor, I think not.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Top Dog Rules

Just done a deal with the dog. Bit of barter. He likes the dregs from my tea cup - ok, yes, it is disgusting, but there's always the dishwasher. Deal with it. Anyway, sometimes I say no. The noise puts me off and since today is New Year's Day, I'm quite sensitive.
So the Staffie uses his large head and brings his much-prized Christmas toy. Shoves it at me. And waits.
The message is clear. It's a fair swap. So into the cup goes the snout. Now, how clever is that? This dog is a rescue after all. He was REJECTED! Brain that big, he could do stuff, invent things, change the course of history, anything! This dog is a canine genius!
Go on, tell me I'm wrong! Prove me a fool for giving in to a higher intellect. I'll laugh in your face because one day, one day soon, me and that dog are going to conquer the world. Only a matter of getting the kettle on.