Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Funky Uni fashion!

Students - are they not the best? All up for a bit of anarchy and a new take on the world! It's Graduate Fashion Week, when the young and talented get a chance to strut their stuff. Go Guys! You have to love their enthusiasm even if good taste takes a back seat.
There's a knitted big pants set by a lass called Rosie Sugden. She sounds like a Lancashire mill worker. Strangely the pants look like the woollen trunks my dad used to wear to the beach. They were hideously embarrassing then and that's going back a bit. Odd to see a revival. These ones are trimmed with lace but I bet they still scratch.
Then there's the Meccano frock by Julie Perry. It's a black dress with a lot of metal stitched to it. Think suspension bridge. Certainly different, but going to the loo could lead to a nasty accident and a lot of explaining in Casualty.
Catwalk pieces are never meant for the High Street. Nobody will be wearing bendy metal bits any day soon. At least, not to Tescos they won't. It's all about getting your name known. So ROSIE SUGDEN, let's have yours in megga lights. We love you!

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