Lady Gaga's prancing about like a sausage in search of a frying pan! Was that meat outfit real - or just a clever look-alike? How did they sew it together? And, if it was real , what about the SMELL!!! Fresh raw meat has it's own special ambience. Eau de abattoir. Slapped up against a hot human body it would surely start to assert itself?
Did seem to be a waste of a good meal, but as a veggie I'd go for lettuce leaves. Each to his own. Raw steak in the hair might be brilliant for condition or bloody awful.
The Gaga was apparently making a point about women being treated like meat on a slab. Fair play to her. But why did the outfit have to be so short, so clingy and with frilly bits of fat decorating the crotch area like so much expensive lace? It was actually quite glam in a car crash sort of way. Doubt if it will catch on. We won't be raiding the butchers for scrag end of lamb or a nice bit of belly pork any time soon.
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