Bomb? What bomb? - I'm blown away here having fun! President Clinton lost the codes to our nuclear deterrent around about the time Miss Lewinsky was providing an explosive experience of her own.
He remembered having them, " rubber banded to his credit cards in his trouser pocket." Now which pants would they be President, oh yes, the ones on the floor of the Oval Office. Still no harm done, we're all still here. Got new ones eventually. And the Ruskies had no idea they were missing for months.
Without the codes there was no way the President could press the button to launch a nuclear strike. Lt Col Robert Patterson says an aide supposed to check the code every month was sent away because the President was too busy. When he finally " fessed up" the Pentagon went into meltdown to get new ones, which took hours. The old ones never turned up.
Bill had a lot on his mind - he admitted the codes were gone on the same day his affair with Monica hit the fan. Bit of a priority problem there - what"ll look worst in the papers tomorrow? Spoilt for choice really. Nobody could believe it, and anyway the sex was such a good read that slippery Bill got away with it. Nice to know our planet was in such safe hands.
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