Sunday, 23 January 2011

Top Gear Cheer for the Big Boys

Top Gear's back! New Stig, great cars - but what about the skill? Twice tonight we saw some of the most amazing expertise TV can boast - and it wasn't coming from Clarkson and co. Was there any credit - what do you think?

It's a great show, no doubt about it, but are those three up themselves? It's OK not to name the Stig - nobody wants that - but what about the pilots? The amazing guys who did incredible stuff in helicopters. Did we find out who they are? Did we heck as Jeremy would say.

He drove a Skoda Yeti while a helicopter landed on the roof. Incredible! What an ace flyer! He couldn't see the landing pad and had to abort once because it was too risky. Did it though. I can't have been the only one gobsmacked at such skill.

Then another pilot took a VW Beetle a mile into the sky, a great lump of crud hanging from a winch, whirling in the wind like a yo-yo on a string. Then he dropped it. That was the easy part. Hammond had to avoid it - probably not as hard as it looked. Did we find out who either pilot was or see their faces? Course not.

Maybe they are shy. If so, fine, their choice entirely. But maybe these three are too scared to share the spotlight. We love you lads but let's hear it for the big boys!

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