Saturday, 9 April 2011

Fuel But No Thought

What kind of fuel am I? A big, blue one with a flashing light. Muppets at the Met can't handle a petrol pump. One in six diesel cars run by the police in London are banjaxed by bozos filling them up with petrol, costing the force £170,000 over two years. That's a lot of coppers.

What sort of boobies are driving these things? They have stickers and warning systems and yet the boys in blue insist on getting it wrong, over and over again. "In fairness they have got a mixed fleet of vehicles and this is a high-pressure job,"said Gavin Hill-Smith, a spokesman for the AA. He's too kind.

How tense are they with their fists on the pump? It's not trigger-finger territory is it? All they have to do is, stop, consider and select. Easy. The Met is not the only one. Twenty nine out of 43 forces in England and Wales reported a total of 20,500 vehicles misfilled, at a cost of £338,800. Staggering. They should be banged up for it.

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