Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Gift Ideas? Here's Some For Free

They're dropping through the door, landing on the mat. Christmas catalogues, back again, like old friends you thought you'd seen the back of. Stacks of helpful suggestions - all of them crap. Plenty of advice out there but here's some for free.

Gardeners do not want wellies, posh or not. Or trugs. For cut flowers. Nobody needs a trug. Chefs do not want knives. Even knives in bright, colourful blocks. They've got knives, good ones, and yours are cheap and nasty. No.

Mums do not want hoovers, especially robot ones that roar like a Spitfire and miss bits. They do not want blenders, or the coffee machine that he fancies. Get that in the sales. They do not want fat jumpers, cosy socks or hankies, ever. Likewise garden candles, poaching pans - even if Delia did cause a sell-out - racks of spice and mulled wine kits. They do not want anything with OXFAM written on it, unless it's from the kids and they are under ten.

That's it really. Other stuff is fine. Wine, chocolates,, classic silver jewelry and cashmere, as long as it washes. A good bag, not a designer joke that cost the price of a holiday. In fact, scrap all that. Just have the holiday and get away from the mad circus altogether.

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