Thursday, 29 December 2011

Planet or a Punnet - No Contest!

Smack my bottom I'm eating strawberries in December! Juicy red ones, big as satsumas and they taste ... food for the gods.

So naughty! See those fingers wagging! What about the planet? All those air miles! Really, do you need out of season fruit? We've got lots of wormy English apples after all. I could be feasting on a Cox's pippin and feeling all self-righteous.

Lord, but there's much of that about! The holy souls. They want us to have a conscience about EVERYTHING, but especially global warming. Think of the poor polar bears. I like polar bears. David Attenborough has my vote. If he films them in the Arctic or Antwerp, it's all the same to me. Be a loss if they went, big time.

But you know what? Those strawberries - and they really were totally delicious - came from Egypt. Poor farmers there are having a rotten time. The tourists stay away, but the camels and the kids still need feeding. Tesco was selling those punnets at £4 for two, cheaper than I paid in June. I'll be back buying for as long as they have them, hoping that someone, somewhere along the Nile, is better for it. The planet will be here long after they are.

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