Friday, 19 July 2013

Summer Silliness and Sexy Tales

Don't you just love an expert! Make your heart sing, so many wonderful hallelujah moments. Take the Met Office. Full of brains, such study bunnies. Pouring over data evey day, so what do they reveal? "There's a heatwave, it's official."
That is SO good to know! Then we have the BBC, whose fee fills the pockets of all the departing big wigs. Let's pay them for a year's notice and again for the whole year too. No sense in them going short! What does the BBC News have to tell us : "It's hot, you'll get sunburn."
That's worth £145.50 of anybody's money. Snip at the price! What about the insurance company having to divvy up £7m to a woman left severely disabled - by an uninsured driver. The court went after the last known insurer for the money. Didn't know they could do that, but I expect we will all notice when premiums go up.
Is this heat making me grumpy? Not really, I can still see the funny side. Working on new book, while great reviews come in for first one, Devil Deal by Liz Freeman, on Kindle or with the free Kindle app. It's fast, full of suspense and no one sees the end coming! Also got funny bits and sexy bits, sometimes together, all for £1.53, or $2.99 on Get it, you won't regret it and enjoy your summer !

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