Sunday, 29 September 2013

Bonkers Blokes Need Needle Boost

How has this happened? Guys are getting IV drips just to cope with their busy lives. One bloke was so rushed he had his drip set up in the airport lounge. We are turning ourselves into needy patients desperate for nursey.
Lord, Botox seemed a step too far once. All of those needles injecting poison. Now it's regular IVs or we cease to function at all. Costing up to £600 a go, every fortnight, it's a nice little earner for the private clinics. 
Yes IVs do work. Party-fagged junior doctors have been known to set themselves up with a saline drip to get through the next 18 hour shift. It's the rehydration that does it, quickest way to replace lost fluid and salts. So they feel better fast.
Why the rest of us? We shouldn't need it, but bonkers blokes are getting the needle and swearing by the benefits. It's invasive, probably useless mind-bogglingly silly and the crutch of the terminally stupid. Wise up guys!

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