Friday, 25 April 2014

Kindness for Mum who Killed

Three lovely little kids are dead by their mother's hand. Three beautiful toddlers who also suffered a terrible disease. It's enough to make a paramedic weep on the job - and that takes a lot.
But to add to the tragedy the mother is not allowed to talk to anyone. Not her distraught husband, her friends or the beautiful daughter she has left. Her solicitor, My Lloyd Marshall, said: " No one is allowed to see her at all, not even friends."
Why? What difference would it make? Surely she is in 100 degrees of hell right now. Why would seeing a friend make matters worse? This is someone who struggled, fought and lost. No one can judge her unless they know all of the facts and that's impossible without inhabiting her head.
We all know what she did. Compassion is all that is needed now.

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