Fair cop - I did it. Took the kids out of school in term time. For snow days. or holidays, or even to visit their grumpy gran. Bad parent, but in fairness it never happened after infant school.
Except once, when we wanted to go to the States after one of us recovered from a life-threatening illness. We owed it to ourselves - but we had to jump through hoops because the rules had changed and without detailing the 999 calls, the surgery and the years of anxiety it was a no go. The head had the final say.
Was she right? Too many kids are kept away for silly reaons. What about the teachers? We have two in the family. If they want a holiday in term time is it ok for Tyrone to have a stand-in for two weeks when he is struggling with maths GCSE?
More than 200,000 parents have signed a petition seeking to change rules imposed by Education secretary Michael Gove. How about we just go back to the old days, when two weeks a year out of school was the limit. Fine the parents if they can't keep to that. That's fair and would save us all an expensive and pointless judicial review.
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