Friday, 11 July 2014

Fat Costs More - Fact

Fury is being flung at fat people who are to get free surgery on the NHS. The enormous, waddling, ugly, obese masses are to get gastric band surgery if they turn out to have type 2 diabetes. 
It's like a red rag to the rest of us who are being told that doctors may soon charge us, hospitals face closure, prescriptions will go up but all of that will not get the NHS out of the deep pit of debt.
These fatties are their own worst enemies, just tell them to STOP EATING! So goes the argument. Yet these moutains of lard did not get that way overnight. Their problems go deeper than the rolls on their bellies.
I say give them the surgery, because it's been trialled in Sunderland and it seems to work. They all lose weight. Some stop being diabetic. Their general health improves and they don't need the buckets of tablets that cost us all thousands each year. Shed the fat and the rest will cost us less. The maths make sense.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Taxing Pence As Billions Go Awol

So the taxman bungled the paperwork and we are all massively short changed because of it. Is anyone surprised? Is anyone thinking: "How could this be?" No. Why?  We all know what a shambles HMRC is.
This week they sent me a bill for 41p and said I need not pay it now but interest would be charged if I left it too late. Forty one pence! That's less than it cost to post the letter. I took it to the post office to pay  but no, can't be done, because they do not include the paperwork. Post lady got one for 60p, so she knew.
So I sent a cheque. Stupid, bungling beaurocracy. Now we discover they are too late to charge the celebrities who secreted away billions to avoid paying tax, despite chasing them for ten years.
That's a lot of letters to and fro. The whole operation needs overhauling and some of these pen pushers shoved out of their jobs. Then we may get a fair and efficient service.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Justice For Little Girl And her Evil Doctor Uncle?

Many years ago I met a very brave little girl. She had been so badly adused by her uncle, a doctor, that her chances of having children were nil. She stood in court and told the horrific story.
Afterwards I was with her when the jury came back with their verdict: "Not guilty." I remember her mother's screams to this day, while this brilliant little person just said: " They didn't believe me did they?"
All I could do was tell her very forcibly that I certainly did, that the jury were fools to be swayed by a powerful man, that the truth was staring them in the face but they couldn't believe that someone so eminent could do something so evil to his neice.
His little victim seemed resigned, she went to comfort her mother, but not before I gave her a red scarf of mine that she had been admiring. I have never forgotten her, or her name. I cannot say it now, but wherever she is I hope she can finally get justice for what was done to her. Rolf Harris and his fingering was as nothing compared to this. 

Friday, 4 July 2014

Killer X And His Cure

Ever wondered if you are in the wrong job? Some psychiatrists have no such worries. They believe they can work miracles, so convinced are they of their power to cure.
That's my impression of an horrific case now being discussed. A man known only as X wants anonymity. He is a double killer, having also sexually mutilated one of his victims. For fun, presumably.
Last year he wanted the right to unescorted leave as he was being prepared for release. The courts said no, he was still too dangerous. His lawyer argues that now he is a hospital patient he has the right to hide his past: " No matter how horrific these crimes are and I accept these crimes are high up on  the scale of horrific crimes," he said.
So that's alright then. The man is in hospital, the experts are working their magic and no one else has the right to know what he has done. There were no details of when he committed the crimes - let's hope it wasn't recently.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have such self belief that you would be happy to let this man walk among us, sure in the knowledge that you have cured him? These people are amazing! We should all bow down before them.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Young Guys Dicking Around

Been to your local dump recently? Only ask because the place is likely to be a revelation. Not only in the amazing stuff people are prepared to throw away, ie, almost new kitchens they have decided are not to their taste, but the staff.
They really are a joy to behold and basically that's what you do, behold them. There they are,standing about in high viz jackets, sweeping up leaves, stuff like that. One dramatically made up woman had an elaborate up-do and was singing. To herself.
What she was not doing was helping anyone. Nor was anyone else, because they can't. It's against Health and Safety. So they watched me and teenage daughter struggle to lift a double mattress up eight metal stairs and then heave it into the dumpster. Heavy, sweaty, work, but not made any easier by two young men standing idly by, watching our every move.
I think they felt a bit embarrassed. I hope so, but if they do lend a hand and hurt their backs they can't claim any compensation because they have officially been told not to bother. Makes them a bit of a spare part, to be honest - and I know what part that is.