Fury is being flung at fat people who are to get free surgery on the NHS. The enormous, waddling, ugly, obese masses are to get gastric band surgery if they turn out to have type 2 diabetes.
It's like a red rag to the rest of us who are being told that doctors may soon charge us, hospitals face closure, prescriptions will go up but all of that will not get the NHS out of the deep pit of debt.
These fatties are their own worst enemies, just tell them to STOP EATING! So goes the argument. Yet these moutains of lard did not get that way overnight. Their problems go deeper than the rolls on their bellies.
I say give them the surgery, because it's been trialled in Sunderland and it seems to work. They all lose weight. Some stop being diabetic. Their general health improves and they don't need the buckets of tablets that cost us all thousands each year. Shed the fat and the rest will cost us less. The maths make sense.