Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Justice For Little Girl And her Evil Doctor Uncle?

Many years ago I met a very brave little girl. She had been so badly adused by her uncle, a doctor, that her chances of having children were nil. She stood in court and told the horrific story.
Afterwards I was with her when the jury came back with their verdict: "Not guilty." I remember her mother's screams to this day, while this brilliant little person just said: " They didn't believe me did they?"
All I could do was tell her very forcibly that I certainly did, that the jury were fools to be swayed by a powerful man, that the truth was staring them in the face but they couldn't believe that someone so eminent could do something so evil to his neice.
His little victim seemed resigned, she went to comfort her mother, but not before I gave her a red scarf of mine that she had been admiring. I have never forgotten her, or her name. I cannot say it now, but wherever she is I hope she can finally get justice for what was done to her. Rolf Harris and his fingering was as nothing compared to this. 

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