Sunday, 26 October 2014

Roll A Newspaper To Fight Ebola

There's no underestimating the imbecility of the British public is there? Sometimes it's jaw-dropping how stupid people can be. Take the pensioner who came into the cafe my daughter works in on Saturdays. 
Seeing the odd fly, this daft bat said: "You should stop those flies coming in with all that ebola about."
What! She knows there is this terrible, devastating disease called ebola - and absolutely nothing else about it.
Brave journalists walk the line in Sierra Leone and Liberia, telling us via our screens every night of the horrific toll this is taking on poor Africans living in appalling conditions. Their streets run with sewage. There will be a few flies about.
Who could possibly see their courage and not realise that contact with the ill, and especially the dead, is what causes the contagion to spread?The heroic grave diggers in their plastic suits running with sweat do their job, often unpaid. Flies are the least of their problems.
Despair at the ignorance of the rest of us must surely come next.

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