So, Dave and Nicky are jumping into bed together - fantastic, and there's even a baby on the way. Couldn't understand the doom merchants who said they would never get on, just look at them, they could be cousins.
That's a very posh removal van outside number ten. Never seen a cleaner, shiner, newer one in my life. Must be the Tory one.
Had me wondering when Broon headed aff te the Heilands and David and Samantha took up shop at 9pm. Did anyone change that mattress? Obviously, no time to get the bed out, but would you want to sleep on the same mattress as Gordon? Barely had a chance to get cold. Maybe at the holiday let up in Southwold, but honestly, really rather not. Sure they changed the sheets, but still.... something a tiny bit skanky there.
The first photo they showed of David doing the hand-kissing thing with the Queen had her looking a bit gob-smacked. Bit of loose jaw drop, old lady caught on her blind side sort of look. Was it something he said? Swapped it very soon after for a nice, smiley one. That's the ticket. Whatever is going on behind closed doors let's all smile and wave boys, smile and wave...
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