Friday, 7 May 2010

Winalot - no they didn't

What a dog"s breakfast! Should have just handed it all over to Winalot and been done with it. The election that is.
Except nobody won a lot did they? There lies the rub. Fact is, my dog enjoys his breakfast. It's all over in 30 seconds flat. Which is about the likely length of this Parliament.
We're looking at doing the whole thing again. Can you be bothered? I mean, it was a lot of fun. Nice to see them all sweating in the spotlight and it's always a joy to see a politician squirm - thanks Gillian.
Yet what about Wonder boy Nick Clegg? He actually lost seats. Do you smell a rat here? I do and it's not Nick. He was a whiff of fresh air through the whole smelly business.
How come someone so clearly popular with the people did so badly? It's our skewed voting system again. Gordon reckoned he could get fewer votes than anyone and still win. He wasn't far wrong was he? Let's count the vote again and see where the crosses really went. Because sure as eggs is eggs the votes on the papers don't add up to the people in power. Again.

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