Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Brain Dead in the Bush

Turn on sat-nav switch off brain! Why does a box on the dash shut down all rational thought in some people?

A British couple were driving with two teenage lads in the outback of Australia when their sat-nav told them to taker a short cut through the bush. Ignoring the Road Closed signs they carried on regardless - and ended up stuck in the mud for four days when torrential rain turned the unsealed road into a bog.

Mrs Lorraine Emtage said: " We were living in the car stuck on a tilt with little food and water" They tried to dig the car out with their bare hands and were finally rescued when the police abandoned their own car and walked 3km to reach them. A cop said: 'When you get enough rain the roads become impassable - that's why they are closed!"

The car is still stuck because the council can't even reach it with a tractor. I love sat-navs - Cambridge is living hell without one - but whoever claimed they could read?

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