Heard of the latest best-seller The Slap? it's about a man who smacks someone else's kid. How amazingly, incredibly, courageous is that? That's the bravest thing I've ever heard of - short of disarming bombs that is.
There is no way anyone should try this at home! I once asked a kid, nicely, to stop bashing the back of my seat at the cinema and practically got my head kicked in by his horrendous, foul-mouthed mother who reckoned I was all shades of evil for finding even the tiniest fault with her son.
We moved schools after a short, quiet ,telling-off of a reknowned bully in the playground let to a ban on us coming into the school and a huge round of applause for the nasty little minx. Bitter? Dead right I am.
Not violent by nature but some kids make you want to take up an axe and make firewood of them. Quickly followed on top of the bonfire by their almost always awful parents. I'd serve the time - worth it for making the world a better place!
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