Sunday, 18 September 2011

Gunning for Bad Boy Boris

Sniper"s gunning for Big Boris. Someone thinks the London Mayor's been shirking. Not pulling his considerable weight. All because Boris wanted to be the "bubbles in the champagne," rather than the guy who serves the drinks. Bung the boring stuff to someone else, that's his style.

Who would have thought it! Boris, not interested in the tedius day to day detail? Well, heavens, there's a surprise. Nobody is saying the stuff was beyond him. This is no intellectual slouch. Our Boris is a bright boy so he did what anyone would do. He got a man in.

He sees himself as colour with clout. Listen to him talking about the recent riots. He needs no autocue. When it counts, Boris can come up with the right stuff. In 2008 his campaign chiefs sold him as, "a chairman Mayor, backed up by an absolutely top flight chief operating officer," reveals Johnson's biographer Sonia Purnell.

"Just the ticket!" thought the posh one. Others were a bit snide about it. Sniffy even. "He seemed to want to be Mayor because it's a big job and it was there for him," said one old hand.

No,really? He wanted it so he could sit behind a huge pile of paperwork day and night, whimpering softly and pleading that he hated it and can he go home now? We all know what Boris is. Upfront in every sense. A jolly japer, he has no scruples about bedding women, the more the merrier. Expecting tight discipline of him is to ask a greedy Labrador to go on a diet.

There are plenty of grey guys about. We could have had one of those. Instead, we voted for Boris and his bikes. We wanted bubbles - not boredom.

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