Sunday, 25 September 2011

White Britsh Kids Have Worst Parents

"Bang their heads together and knock some sense in," as my old mum used to say. Turns out white working class kids, as I was once, are failing to learn their own language. They start school unable to speak their mother tongue.

That is horrifying! What is going on in this country when we can't teach our kids to speak? Other children from ethnic minorities have better English than white children - and this is their second language. Di Morgan, a head teacher in South London, says: "The truth is, a lot of our white children in nursery have fewer words of English than bilingual children."

What's going wrong? Fact is, education was seen as a way out of the council estates for my generation. We wanted something better. Ethnic minorities share this view. Parents who spend more time on Facebook and their iphones than talking to their kids are the ones depriving the next generation of a decent future. They should be deeply ashamed of themselves, but are they? Naaaah.

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