Broken legs, bruised bonces - par for the piste! Go skiing, have the best time of your life, but nobody said it was safe. Now the resorts are likely to send costs soaring after payouts claimed by accident victims.
One person died after sliding under a safety net and hitting a pillar. Another was left paralysed after falling on ice that nobody told her about. These are tragedies and no one is underestimating the pain they caused.
But warnings about ice when skiing? A lawyer for the resorts said: " Do we need to put a mattress around every tree?" While another added: " We could reduce the slopes and put nets everywhere but where would be the pleasure for skiers? We can't turn ski resorts into kindergartens."
Skiing is dangerous. That's the thrill, along with speeding along in crisp mountain air with the wind in your hair. Except that you will have to wear a helmet.
One guy in our party took out a beginner on the nursery slope when she swerved into his path. He had a bump, she was stretchered off. Totally his fault, but she knew the risk she was taking when she clipped herself in. Take out your own insurance, weigh up the odds and go anyway. Or stay at home and forever wonder what you missed.
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