Friday, 27 January 2012

Down the Dole in My JimJams

Down at the dole they don't like you turning up in your jim-jams. They don't like it at all. It smacks of a poke in the eye to everyone else out there trying to earn a living wage. The hard-pressed souls who brush up, tie straight, shoes polished, only to view the bleary-eyed ragamuffin hoards heading for free hand-outs in their nightwear.

Tends to upset people. Who wants to face the daily grind when others are taking a short break from bed to pick up their payments? Many are meant to be available for work. Yea, right.

Onesies are popular, the adult baby-gro jobs that are so comfy for slouching around all day. Just the job for the workshy. Now the dole offices are insisting that people turn up properly dressed. For appearances sake. Most are no more likely to set off hot-foot after the nearest paid employment, but at least they don't look like they are showing the finger to the rest of us.

A government spokesman said: "The people doing it saw no problem with it. It came from an extended feeling of home. " The Job Centre, home from home for most of them. Bless!

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