There's such a thing as a brown reclusive spider. Shy little beastie but not shy enough. A bite makes your arm drop off. There are black widows, rattlesnakes and wild dogs, just a small selection of the critturs our friends in the US come across.
They gave us a bit of advice when we fancied a visit. " Kill every spider you come across. Back away from rattlers, but the coyotes are cute with their huge ears." So that's alright then. Rattlers don't warn, that shake means," You're in my cross-hairs pal!"
It's the spiders that are spooking me. Black widows, get a bite and you know about it. Excruciating. Seems you have about four hours to see help. You can tell it's a black widow if you turn them over and look at their tummies. As if.
Reclusive browns don't hurt so much, but the evil goes on under the skin and they rot from the inside, bit like the scone left in the microwave too long. Looks OK but there's a horrible, brown, yucky bit in the middle. Worst case you lose a limb, or end up with a nasty wound the size of a dinnerplate. Nice to know they are reclusive. Fine by me. Not about to seek their society any time soon.
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