Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Jokers for Junior Doctors

Watch Junior Doctors and despair. Get angry, because that sort of stuff goes on all the time. Can no one put a cannula in? As a charge nurse said: "Try twice then get someone else to do it. They should ask for help because no one wants to see patients turned into pin cushions."

Tell that to Andy, or Priya, who last night bullied a woman into letting her have another go - and failed again. Afterwards the angry patient refused to let arrogant Priya anywhere near her. Our medic said: "I realise it wasn't personal." Yes it was! You were terrible!
True everyone has to learn, but just look at the faces of the other medical staff when one of this bunch is let loose with a needle. There are exceptions. Lucy is a star, with plenty of compassion to spare.

But even Ben's relatives told him he had a God complex. He traumatised a little boy, again over a cannula, and then discovered it could be put in while the child was asleep for surgery. All totally avoidable.

Priya said: " We should have a notice on our foreheads saying we are doing this in your best interests." NO, you are not. You are causing unnecessary suffering. It is time these medics started practicing on themselves. Try putting a cannula into one of your colleagues and get them to put one in you.

Keep at it until you get it right. Then maybe you will understands how it feels to be a patient, seriously ill in a hospital bed, having someone just out of medical school prod you uselessly with a needle, again and again and again.

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