Thursday, 19 December 2013

Ian Sets The Dogs On Child Rapists

 Child rape victim Ian McFadyen bears no shame - and that makes today a very happy day. His story makes me feel brilliant. Why? Because he feels able to tell it at all. We have finally come to realise that rape and in particular child rape, is a despicaple, horrific crime that must always carry the steepest penalties.
The victim is never to blame - but for too long we let them feel at fault because this unbelievably dreadfulful thing happened to them. Ian was an 11-year-old screaming in agony as his teacher repeatededly raped him, taking pleasure in his body and most of all his pain.
If I had walked in on such a scene I would happily have brained George Hill with whatever came to hand and taken the consequences. It would have caused me no twinge of conscience to have left him dead. Sorry if that offends you, but I believe we all have a duty to protect vulnerable children.
Ian went on to have a life filled with desperation and trauma, yet a judge could have brought his tormentor to justice ten years ago, but didn't want to rake over old memories. Sod that! What about Ian's memories? Finally  he can now talk of what happened at Caldicott school and not worry that anyone will think worse of him for speaking out. 
His abuser killed himself. Hill couldn't live with the shame. Ian is alive and telling his story today and we are paying attention and seeking out the men who think they can get away with this terrible crime. Hopefully more people will come forward with their evidence. That's what makes today a great day. Thank you Ian.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Dead Boys, A Vicar and Ham

Bad enough the vicar telling little kids there is no Santa  but scaring the Bejaysus out of them? That's something else!
Every year we get one killjoy with the same old tale - there is no Father Christmas, despite billions of pounds worth of evidence to the contrary. It's a drag, but hey ho, we can live with those. 
But Rev Simon Tatton Brown was not content with causing a few tears. Oh no, he wants them screaming in their beds until the bright day dawns too. He told wide-eyed babes that St Nicholas is thought to have raised from the dead three young boys pickled in a barrel by a wicked butcher who was planning to sell them as ham.
Ham! That's Christmas dinner ruined as well then, as well as God knows how many packed lunches! What possessed the man? Scrooge at least kept his ghosts to himself, this idiot is filling infants' heads with images of dead boys dripping vinegar roaming their rooms. These men of the Church have a lot to answer for.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Faker Pulls It Off

He's in jail now. The fake deaf interpreter at Mandela's memorial. Well probably - because they won't let him get away with that, will they? All of those heads of state making speeches and taking selfies amid such incredibly tight security and there he stood and strutted his stuff in front of billions!
That TV footage was beamed all around the world. Nobody batted an eyelid. Deaf people tried to complain, said he was rubbish, but nobody listened. 
How he kept a straight face is beyond my understanding. Even I could see he was saying the same thing over and over. Where did he get the official badge? Did anyone bother to check it? Obama's security men are in for a grilling today. Likewise Cameron's.
The whole event was said to be a security nightmare that the South Africans somehow managed to pull off. Sort of. Nobody got shot but a lot are looking silly today. We'll not see the like of that joker again and that's a shame. Mandela would see the joke.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Loving the Fast Food Strikers

Fast food outlets are making paupers of their staff and idiots of us all. They pay  the lowest possible wages, forcing workers  to rely on food banks and help from the tax payer. 
it's wrong. Anybody can see that. In Britain the minimum wage is £2 higher than it is in the US and the lowest paid struggle. To raise a family you need extra benefits, paid for by the rest of us.
These people are in full-time work. yet they cannot feed themselves, so they went on strike in America. Bravo. Loving it. Their wages have stayed the same while profits have doubled and executives buy yet another private jet.
Prices of fast food are incredibly low. They need to rise. Those who like their products will still buy, even if they have to pay £1.50 for a burger instead of 99p. Yes these are special promotions, but anyone can see who is making up the difference.
The companies say they cannot pay more as this will push up prices and also force them to replace people with technology, so killing off jobs. Seems to me they operate on the minimum staff necessary anyway - and who wants to buy their fries from a vending machine? Somebody still has to cook it. Let's see more strikes and even a boycott of these places until the fat cats decide to play fair.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

For Love Or Money?

I thought foster parents loved their kids. That's what put me off doing it - having to part with a child I cared for. Today I am confused, because it seems many kids in care have panic attacks at the thought of turning 18, when they have to leave.
The system says they can go at 16 if they want, but two years later and you are definitely out pal. Many struggle, get involved with crime or end up pregnant.
It's staggering. You've looked after this child for years, given him birthday parties, Christmas presents. Treated her like one of the family. Then the money stops. The state no longer supports. That's it then is it?
No where to call home in the unlikely event they make it to university? A B and B and a hostel for Christmas? Now the Government is helping, saying they will be able to stay put until 21. It has to be a step forward, yet I find the whole thing very disturbing. Was it all about the money then?

Monday, 2 December 2013

Gunning For Tom Daley

Is Tom Daley's news a surprise to anyone? Really? Where were you when he was doing so brilliantly at the Olympics? Girls wept into their rosé at the sound of his lovely voice. 
It was clear to anyone who had a pulse that the beautiful boy was gay. That gorgeous body forever lost to womankind - it took some getting over.We cried our bitter tears, but we moved on. 
Good luck to him in his new relationship. It's a shame he had to go public, because after all, who's business is it? But he has, and he's very happy, so we all wish him well.
Tom is very nice, extremely talented and deserves our admiration and respect. In the world of sport, where far too many gays are still afraid of coming out, he is a fresh, new voice on the side of right. Sponsors should be rushing to his side. Regimes against gays? Boycott them.