Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Faker Pulls It Off

He's in jail now. The fake deaf interpreter at Mandela's memorial. Well probably - because they won't let him get away with that, will they? All of those heads of state making speeches and taking selfies amid such incredibly tight security and there he stood and strutted his stuff in front of billions!
That TV footage was beamed all around the world. Nobody batted an eyelid. Deaf people tried to complain, said he was rubbish, but nobody listened. 
How he kept a straight face is beyond my understanding. Even I could see he was saying the same thing over and over. Where did he get the official badge? Did anyone bother to check it? Obama's security men are in for a grilling today. Likewise Cameron's.
The whole event was said to be a security nightmare that the South Africans somehow managed to pull off. Sort of. Nobody got shot but a lot are looking silly today. We'll not see the like of that joker again and that's a shame. Mandela would see the joke.

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