Fast food outlets are making paupers of their staff and idiots of us all. They pay the lowest possible wages, forcing workers to rely on food banks and help from the tax payer.
it's wrong. Anybody can see that. In Britain the minimum wage is £2 higher than it is in the US and the lowest paid struggle. To raise a family you need extra benefits, paid for by the rest of us.
These people are in full-time work. yet they cannot feed themselves, so they went on strike in America. Bravo. Loving it. Their wages have stayed the same while profits have doubled and executives buy yet another private jet.
Prices of fast food are incredibly low. They need to rise. Those who like their products will still buy, even if they have to pay £1.50 for a burger instead of 99p. Yes these are special promotions, but anyone can see who is making up the difference.
The companies say they cannot pay more as this will push up prices and also force them to replace people with technology, so killing off jobs. Seems to me they operate on the minimum staff necessary anyway - and who wants to buy their fries from a vending machine? Somebody still has to cook it. Let's see more strikes and even a boycott of these places until the fat cats decide to play fair.
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