Sunday, 23 November 2014

Calpol Cruelty Family Not Alone

Nipping out to the chemist to get Calpol almost cost a Dad his kids. His two-year-old was in the car outside the chemist when the police pounced. She was probably the one with the ear-ache, but no matter, she was put on the child protection register and the family went through a year of hell.
Sounds unlikely doesn't it? I left a baby in the car outside a nursery while I dropped off my three year old and came back seconds later to be confronted by two constables.
I told them I could see the car from the nursery. The baby was asleep. They still said they would call in the social workers if I dared to defend myself further. Cue grovelling on a grand scale.
I've seen kids left in cars outside shops. I would certainly call the police if they were left for too long, or if the day was hot and the windows shut. It happens, as I discovered in July.
But those cases are rare. Meanwhile a toddler is abused and dies in this country every week. We just don't hear about them. Time to get our priorities right and our police  and social workers getting tough on the real abusers.

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