Monday, 17 November 2014

Worst Doctor Ever

Ever met a doctor who knows it all? No, me neither but yesterday I met the one convinced she does.
I expect to see her up before the General Medical Council any day soon. It won't be my son she's hurt, but someone else at the sharp end. My lad refused her care yesterday, even though he was two days out of a major op and she was the only doctor on duty. That bad.
He'd been told to expect  a tough time and needed more morphine. She decided to tap hard on his wound to see if he really had pain. Percussive techniques have their place, but on new stitches holding a drain? Does that sound sensible to you? Anyway, he definitely had pain.
So did the guy in the next bed, the one with new staples she wanted to remove to see if he had pus. He said no. The guy  opposite wasn't so fortunate. She messed with his wound, determined to get rid of apparent infection until he made it very clear he wantetd no part of it.
We have nothing but the highest regard for everyone else in that hospital which is a centre of excellence. This woman, who calls herself "Bubby" is a menance and it really is only a matter of time. The whistle has been blown.

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