Monday, 26 July 2010

Brave Bombs for Blue Peter Badge

Blue Peter presenters - they never give up do they? Once they get their hands into the papier-mache that's it, sign up to improve the

Take Peter Duncan. Nice guy. He says:"Find some hills or mountains and plan your own trek. I like getting lost with the kids and making it their responsibility to get us home. "Bless him, he was a Chief Scout.

We got lost with the kids once. Ended up on a firing range in Denmark with signs in four languages saying: "DANGER! Do not stray from the path! Unexploded bombs." Highly instructive and educational. Not sure that the whinging kids were best placed to guide us back. Their father came in for some stick since his route got us there in the first place.

"Just around the bend is a McDonalds!" he would claim. The crew worked that one out sharpish and he's not been allowed to forget it. Famous Five adventures are fine but we will stick to the well-worn path.

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