Thursday, 8 July 2010

Jesus would be Livid

So why is The Church so fixated with sex? The boys in frocks just can't get enough of it! Maybe missing out themselves they interfere elsewhere and demand to know what goes on in another man's bed.

Take the latest CoE brouhaha. Dr Jeffrey John has been shafted again. Seven years ago he agreed to save Rowan William's face and give up the chance to be Bishop of Reading. It was a major blow, and Rowan had to get down on his knees and beg forgiveness. How utterly, complacently Churchy of him. That's not the church of the people - that's the way of the pompous bigots who run it thinking they know best.

The people of Southwark, who know Dr John well, didn't forget him and when they needed a bishop, up came his name. He is a good man. That's enough. The fact that he is gay, and has agreed not to have sex with is partner, is of no interest to true Christians. That's for the clergy to get hot under their dog-collars for.

Again The Church turned him down. Simply because he is a homosexual. These are the men who tell the rest of us how to live. We should take a leaf out of Christ's good book and throw them all out of the temple.

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