Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Horror That Lurks

Reeling! The horror lurking where least expected. Lord knows courage is required on a daily basis here, not least the day after after the dogs have gorged themselves on windblown apples. Steely resolve, backbone, grit, call it what you will but there is usually an early indication that foulness is afoot. Unless suffering from a bad cold.

But today retch without warning! Brace yourself - because it's lurking in your home too. I'm not talking skanky cutlery drawer here - though that too can creep up on your blind side, or stinky dishwasher that smells like tummy trouble. Not even beg bugs, happily enjoying a population explosion.

This is your sweet friend in the corner, who takes every load without complaint. The washer. Go carefully here. Take a tranquilliser. Open the dispenser drawer, slowly. See anything? You will! Haul it out. Gods Above - what is that stuff? Thick, back, slimy, creeping gunk looking like something BP chucked up. It's vile - and it goes straight into the pipe that feeds water to the washing. Staggered? Knew you would be.

Apparently it's a sort of mould that creeps up when you wash at low temperatures, like we are all supposed to do. To save the planet. Got to get up to 60 degrees to kill it. Well, a whole roll of kitchen towel later and no idea how my whites will turn out I'm going back to boil. And a long lie down.

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