Sunday, 22 May 2011

Queen Joins the Little People

Didn't she do a great job? The Queen I mean. Grovelled a bit, granted, but given what we got up to, necessary. She even wore emerald green, to make sure Irish eyes were smiling. Loved the hat, gave her the look of a leprechaun. Truly a stroke of genius, though she rightly passed on the Guinness. Can you imagine what the ad men would have made of that, the old baked bean with a creamy tache? Would have circled the world faster than the shuttle that one.

So all in all, well done Maam. Which rhymes with spam, not smarm. Just so you know. There's always the nasty nit-picker at the back, ready to poop the party. That would be Morrissey, saying: "For a broad historical view of what the Queen is and how she rules examine Gadaffi or Mubarak and see if you can spot any difference." That would be the same Gadaffi whose soldiers were ordered to rape every woman in Misrata then? She may be head of the British Armed Forces but Her Maj has never endorsed such an order to my knowledge. We are not cowering in the streets under her rule.

So Morrissey maybe you need to brush up a bit on your dictators?

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