Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Upper Class Bitch or Mongrel Middleton

Who is still spitting then? Jemima Khan for one - and I suspect Camilla for another. Jemima wasn't invited to the wedding and Camilla had her: "It should've been me!" face on, clearly thinking back to Diana's day. At least she kept quiet about it.

Harpy Jemima claims that Kate hasn't got "heir bearing hips." Typical fixation of the upper classes, let's just wait and see shall we? They may be rich, but they don't always behave well.

Way back I was a guest of Lord Brockett. Also at the table was a woman called Camilla, who looked a bit depressed " What's up Camilla - or should I say, who's up Camilla! " was the delightful riposte of Lord B. The woman was mortified. She might have been less so, had we all been in on the joke, but nobody except the posh set knew of Charles' squeeze then. That was before con-man Brockett spent time as a guest of Her Majesty for fraud.

Some of these high-born types like to look down on Kate and her family, smirking that: "the last time she went down the aisle she was pushing a trolley," when Carole Middleton's past as an air hostess comes up. Could be biased, being of mongrel stock myself, but I think the Middleton's may have more class than a truckload of toffs.

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