Thursday, 23 June 2011

Boarding School Horrors

Boarding school - good or bad? Not my scene, not being rich enough, but plenty of people I know went there. Based on them, would I send a child to boarding school? No way.

Take one example. He is the son of a diplomat and, aged five, went to a very, very posh school. He saw his parents for a couple of weeks during the summer break. He was a desperately sad and lonely little boy, but he particularly remembers rowing a boat on the Zambezi and discovering to his horror that they were going the wrong way. "Dad, dad," he shouted: " We're going backwards!" "The term is, 'We are not making headway!" his stiff-upper lip, British father replied as they swirled madly towards the rapids. Clearly a product of the system himself.

Another guy, also doing very well in his professional life, remembers leaving a wan-faced mother in September then returning at Christmas to discover she was dead and buried. No one had thought to tell him.

Studies show that children sent away from home at an early age shut down emotionally as a coping mechanism. One man said: "You become a very private person. You think everyone is like that, so you don't think anything is wrong. If your partner complains you say, "don't be so sensitive" or "you can't take a joke."

That sound like anyone you know? Spot on I'd say. The right school might be great for your job prospects but the price paid is huge in more ways than one.

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