Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Weiner a Hot Dog? Salad Days

Call it sexting, call it flashing, what is it with showcasing your bits? Why the compulsion to inflict them on the rest of us? I find it weird. Face it, human genitalia do not reflect our best side, photographically speaking. A person can have beautiful eyes, fabulous legs, even a cute pair of ears, but the everyday crotch lacks universal aesthetic appeal.

Men on men, maybe. I can see a gay trend, but men sending pics to women, along the lines of the aptly named Anthony Weiner? What's he trying to say here? Forget the fact that he has the face of a rodent, bit rat or even lemur in his bug-eyed surprise at the furore, what woman would seriously like to appraise his penis on the world wide web?

Seems he pressed the wrong button. Easily done, but once tweeted, no going back. Why take the pic in the first place? Did he think, "she'll take one look at this and wave her knickers in my face!"? Is he just an exhibitionist, touting his tawdry wares like the teenager who stopped me in my tracks? This lad had something to show and he was doing his level best to make sure I appreciated every inch of it, but short of almost having my eye out he had no effect at all.
Women just don't go in for this sort of thing. A few sat on photocopying machines during a daft craze a while back, but it's not something that's really taken off. Some guys put out naked shots of their girlfriends in a sort of world-wide Readers' Wives, sort of fat lass picture gallery. Phone porn goes with that sort of territory.

Weiner could have been Mayor. Somehow I don't suppose we will be seeing our blond bombshell Boris like this any time soon. He might talk a load of b..... but he doesn't haul them out for the electorate.

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