Monday, 20 June 2011

Want it, Nick it, Tweet it.

The latest plague? Pilfering Nickitis. Everyone's got it, from the cool kids to the top brass and most are boasting about it. On Facebook, Twitter or even to the Times. Tom Campbell says he was joking when he told a reporter he, "always has to steal something," when he goes into a big chain like Tesco or Pret a Manger for lunch. The former cultural strategy manager to the Mayor of London - not in his made-up job any more then - added: "When you're like, 40, they don't grab you or anything. They just say, 'Sir, I think you've made a mistake.'

"Someone told me it's so expensive to prosecute a shoplifter that all they ever do is say 'Excuse me Sir." That's how I justify going into the chains. That's the rule. If you go into a chain, you have to steal." So that's why the woman next to me shoved a chocolate into my bag in Nero the other day. I put it back. Of course I did, but maybe I'm on my own?
Fraud cases are up from 11 to 18%. It takes about three years for company fraud to be discovered. Tough times mean they cut costs in control departments and the thieves have a field day.

I find it depressing. We might be skint - but surely things are not that bad yet? I'm hoping Tom Campbell finds out what hard times really are because his petty pilfering puts up prices for the rest of us. Thanks Tom.

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