Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Only Thickos Have Kids

Clever women, really clever women, don't have kids. Educated out of the breeding programme, they are far too bright to face the drudgery of raising the next generation.
So says The Times this week. It's a common theme. I usually ignore it. Being a mum of three myself, it's a bit like religion or politics. You are never going to convince the other lot, so don't bother.
It's the claim that only thickos and council house chavs breed that got me thinking. How clever is it to leave the survival of the species to them? After all, at brass tacks level we are but a mass of cells with one need - to replicate ourselves.
If the clever ones don't do it where will that leave us? I read that intelligence is passed on the X chromosome. Men, being XY, must get their X from their mothers, with XX. Girls get double bubble.
Women can have kids or not, it's all the same to me. Have the great job, buy the swanky shoes, travel first class and lie in till 3pm. I've done that. Enjoyed it. I've also got three fantastic kids, all clever, including two girls, and if they ever ask me, which they won't, I know which lifestyle I prefer.

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