Monday, 5 August 2013

Rich But Want More - Have Ours Too

As whiskery Lord Sugar would say: " Wot wuz you finking of !"George Osborne is just the sort of posh prat Sugar berates on The Apprentice. Shame he's also running the country.
This scheme to give two working parents earning  up to £150,000 between them an extra £1,200 is beyond bonkers. It's criminal. Familes on £20,000 with only one earner will not qualify for the child care benefit. So my pal Tracey, wanting to get back into education after having her first child at 18, will get sweet FA, despite her husband Ben working all the hours God sends as a builder.
That's their real names and I take my hat off to them because they don't owe anyone anything, rent their home and can't get a mortgage because they have no credit history. They pay cash. If they haven't got it, they don't spend it.
Contrast that with the £75,000 a year types with their flash cars and expensive properties. They are knee deep in debt, so yes, they are glad to get even more, thankfully from the rest of us. Helps keep little Hugo in his posh Kensington nursery.
This Government talks about helping the strivers but in reality they help themselves. Ordinary people are being chased by the taxman while billionaires pay peanuts. Lost the plot but we can't fire them - yet.

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