Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Butt Naked Gets My Vote

Our politicians drop their pants but not many do so on stage. If they moon, it is to the mistress rather than an audience of hundreds. It's s small thing we can be grateful for.

They rob us blind. but performing in a bikini - or even nappies - is not something our elected representative seem particularly prone to. Not so in Haiti. There, they like a leader who is, shall we say, outre. That's why Michael "Sweet Mickey" Martelly looks set to beat the more strait-laced Mirlande Manigat in the presidential elections. The one-time pop singer and crack junkie is heading for a landslide.

Lord knows Haiti has it's problems. The earthquake last January that killed 230,000 and left 1.5m homeless for one. The 680,000 people still living in tents 14 months on would agree to that, along with the 400,000 who survived the cholera epidemic. Another 5,000 who died could be considered well out of it.

So Mr Martelly"s mispent youth is small potatoes. He's promised to sweep out corruption and rebuild. Not a lot to ask. Apparently his message is "You've seen me butt-naked so you know me. What you see is what you get. " Clever that, even I am warming to the guy.

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