Friday, 18 March 2011

That's A Star for Simon Cowell

Never heard of Simon Cowell? That's you stuffed then. If you are an American teenager that is, hoping to get into a top, Ivy League university. The X factor judge starred on a SAT exam, aimed at sorting the achievers from the average.

Parents in the States spend a fortune preparing their little darlings, with extra tuition costing up to £3,000. So it came as a bit of a shock to find that all that algebra came to zero when the kids were asked about popular culture.

They are livid! All those tantrums, as the youth were denied telly in favour of study. For what? They were stumped when asked:" Do people benefit from forms of entertainment that show so-called reality, or are such forms of entertainment harmful?" Kids who watch Cowell"s American Pop Idol stormed it.

One dad spluttered:" I'm proud he doesn't watch television and then he goes into the one test that really counts and gets pummelled!" That's what comes of force-feeding. The kids can't think for themselves as they re-gurgitate all the stuff they think is needed. No room for imagination. It's a shame for the students, but maybe those pushy parents will think again.

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