Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Madman and his Tax Bill

Derrick Bird cannot be excused. His murderous killing spree left a dozen dead, including his twin brother and the solicitor he thought were ganging up against him. He toured the countryside causing bloody carnage as he shot innocent people at random when they stopped to help him. No pity there then.

But is anyone else not surprised that it was a tax demand that finally sent him over the edge? Have you had one of those things? They threaten seizure of goods and bailiffs at the door if the amount due is not immediately forthcoming. This of people who are normally good payers.

Bird hadn't paid tax for 15 years, but it seems did not really owe anything. Doesn't take a genius to guess that the demand he was faced with was not gently worded. They tend to go in full-throttle. Enough to bring anyone out in a clammy sweat even if they have paid their dues, let alone let it slide a bit.

Nobody is suggesting the taxman is even a tiny bit to blame for the evil that befell Cumbria that day. Bird is the guilty party, no question. Just wondered though how much anxiety and misery is caused by bureaucrats using terminology aimed at scaring people into instant action. Bird feared prison and thought he had nothing else to lose. Twelve people paid the price.

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