Wednesday, 9 March 2011

With Friends Like These

Just what a Prince needs - an old flame mouthing off to the press about how scared he is. All those perks going down the pan? Of course Andrew is worried. Not that much though. He reckons we all owe him a living, and a luxurious one at that, simply by accident of birth. His mum asked if he could be given the special envoy job, and she is such a little diamond nobody could refuse her.

Though privately, doubts must have been raised. Andy has never been one for curbing his arrogance. He staged a brief popularity revival during his stint as a helicopter pilot during the Falklands war, but that was a short, sharp conflict and the chances are that he was never in any real danger.

The rest of the time he has been strutting the world stage, soaking up masses of largesse. Girlfriend Goga Ashkenazi says: "He is doing the most amazing job for no personal gain!" Do you believe that - with a deal £3m over the asking price for his house? No me neither.

Any Trade Envoy would be deluged with gifts from dodgy types with something to gain. Nature of the job. Andrew would be mad to think it is because they like him personally. Just like Gaddafi, he only gets what he gets because of the position he holds. The love of the people? That has to be earned

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