Sunday 1 February 2015

British Kids Abandoned

We care for kids abroad and abandon those on our doorstep. It is a tragedy that we allow Welsh schoolchildren to be so badly treated. No pupils - that's right, none at all - are getting an A* in English in  a quarter of Welsh schools.
How has it come to this? A whole generation getting a crap edcucation, ranked among the worst in the world. I blame the teachers. We have two in this house, so I'm well aware of the poressures, but the teaching in Wales is abysmal.
They are failing so badly and nobody does anything. One reason is the Welsh language. A good English teacher wanting to work in Wales has to be able to speak Welsh. Who could be bothered?
So the brightest and best of a nation are missing out. Doomed to a life of failure and lack of opportunity. Labour is in charge in Wales. Ed should get his stupid head around what his useless party has done and then hang it in shame.

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