Sunday 20 January 2013

Mustapha Tache

Just learned that moustaches are the big new thing - not got one? Get a transplant! Life really isn't fair is it? Guys from the Middle East are flocking to have their upper lips furnished at a cost of four grand, while their hairy women hide behind a burkha.
Sad fact is that sultry lovelies always have a problem with face follicles. They divvy up a fortune on skin creams that burn like hell fire and don't always work. How do I know? Well been there, done that. Even blondes get a bit tufty when the extra testosterone kicks in, somewhere around the mid forties.
One day it's all dewy smooth, and the next, well, you get the message. Even fair hairs get all stiff and scratchy. And there are the blokes, getting fat, wrinkly and grey and celebrating their 'taches. Happy to fork out a fortune for a pair of handlebars last seen on the butcher boy's bike. It's not right, it's not fun but that's life ladies.

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